कक्षा 12वीं रसायनशास्त्र पाठ -3: विधुत रसायन | Class 12th Chemistry Chapter 3 objective question:- 1. अपने विधुत रासायनिक समतुल्यांक के बराबर मात्रा जमा करने के लिए कितनी विधुत धारा 0.25 सेकेण्ड तक प्रवाहित करनी होगी ? (A) 1 A(B) 4 A(C) 5 A(D) 100 A Answer ⇒ (B) 2. विशिष्ट चालकता की इकाई होती […]
कवित्त | कक्षा 12वीं हिन्दी | Class 12th Hindi 100 marks objective question
Now The Leaves Are Falling Fast | Bihar board class 12th English objective question 1. In the second line of the poem, Now The Leaves Are Falling Fast’ ‘Nurse’ stands for — (A) a plant(B) a fruit(C) a tree(D) None of these Answer ⇒ (C) 2. In the poem, ‘Now The Leaves Are Falling Fast […]
This is vary good application. It is most useful
This application is very useful